Alatreon is back from Monster Hunter 3 and gets its own quest in Iceborne. More importantly, it brings a whole new set of Alatreon armor to modify your hunter in some unique ways. You’ll need to finish Iceborne’s main storyline first. After that, speak with the Third Fleet Master to kick off the Alatreon quest.
Once you find the elder dragon, you’re in for quite a fight as well. Alatreon switches between fire, ice, thunder, and dragon elements, unleashing a powerful shockwave each time. Its weak points and attack patterns change with each element as well, so you’ll need to stay on your toes.
Once you’ve claimed victory, you’ll get elements used for crafting Monster Hunter World’s Alatreon armor. Apart from looking pretty badass, the Alatreon armor also boosts your elemental attack power as you increase the corresponding elemental resistance.
The other big new addition coming with Monster Hunter: World Iceborne’s update is Frostfang Barioth is an icy variant of the usual Barioth added in a 2019 update. With this one, you’ll need to pay attention to positioning more than ever, since Frostfang Barioth uses ranged attacks that can freeze you in place or restrict your movement.
Frostfang Barioth is only found as part of an upcoming event quest. You’ll need to be at least MR 24 and head to Hoarfrost Reach to hunt the tempered monster. If you’re successful, you’ll get access to another new bit of hunter gear. Best of all, you only need one piece to unlock the armor’s special skill: Punishing Draw. Punishing Draw adds stun abilities to your draw attacks. If you get the whole set, though, you’ll unlock Slugger Secret, which may grant stun bonuses to any weapon.
Finally, the new Monster Hunter World developer diary touched on an upcoming seasonal event: The Sizzling Spice Fest is a “carnival-like” festival celebrating food, namely meat. Lots of meat. Everywhere. And you’ll get a number of new outfits for your trouble as well.
There’s even more the new update will introduce, from improved tracking methods to new pendants and decor sets. Check it out in the full diary embedded in the middle of this post, and stay tuned to GameSkinny for more Monster Hunter: World Iceborne news as it develops.