The demo is live now on the PlayStation Network Store and runs until May 20. Any save data from the demo carries over to the full game, should players decide to purchase it. MH:W conveniently happens to be on sale until May 21 as well, for $19.99 (more than 50% off)

Those who download the demo will get to experience MH:W’s opening segments and several missions of various ranks.

The demo gives access to almost all story elements, quests, armor, and upgrades up to Hunter Level 4, 3-star assignments, which comes to a total of eight assignments.

These all take place in two of the game’s five major areas: the Ancient Forest and Wildspire Waste. Major story quests center around the player’s new Hunter taking on tasks for the New World’s Research Commission to understand the mysteries of the Elder Crossing — MH:W speak for the routine passage of the Elder Dragons that forms the story’s core.

The demo will also let players take on a variety of optional quests, events, and investigations as well, but the showstoppers here are the six large monsters players are tasked with hunting: Great Jagras, Kulu-Ya-Ku, Pukei-Pukei, Barroth, Jyuratodus, and Tobi-Kadachi.

All 14 weapon types are available in the demo, and should they so desire, players can enjoy the same online multiplayer that’s available in the main game.

Just starting out or looking for a specific strategy? Head over to our extensive Monster Hunter: World guide page to get up to speed on what you can expect from your adventures in the New World.