Where to Find Supple Piel

Supple Piel comes from a small monster called a Zamite, native to the Frost Islands only. They come in two sizes: larger variants can be carved twice, while smaller variants can be carved once.

Supple Piel is the most common drop from Zamites, with a 35% chance per carve. They tend to come in groups of two, one large and one small. That gives you three chances to get the material, though, in our testing, we got more of the other rewards than we did Supple Piel.

Zamite spawn in five zones in the Frost Islands: 4, 7, 8, 10, and 11. You’ll need to do some hunting, as Zamite only spawn in the watery portions of each zone. If a Large Monster spawns, particularly one like Great Izuchi or Baggi that come with mobs, there won’t be any Zamite to hunt.

Thankfully, you can loop the five zones very easily. Simply start an Expedition to the Frost Islands and head north from the main camp to Area 4, clear the area of Zamite. Then, comb through Zone 7, head east to Zone 8, then northwest to Zone 10, and into the tunnels and around to Zone 11. Depending on how much of a ruckus you make, the larger Zamite will likely be asleep, making the first kill much easier.

When you’ve cleared all the zones, travel back to the main camp or end the Expedition based on how much time you’ve spent moving around. If you went through all the Zamite quickly, ending is probably faster.

If you took time to gather, hunt other monsters, or otherwise spent time in the zone, the earliest monsters probably respawned. Each loop will likely net you between 2-5 Supple Piel.

And that’s how to get Supple Piel in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak. For more tips and tricks, head over to our MH Rise guides hub.