You can pay $20 to $50 or higher. But the money depends upon several other factors.

Things to keep in mind:

1. Your friendship

How are you with your friend can define the amount you are preparing to pay. 

If the person is your best friend then you can pay, but in most cases, they deny the money. But you can still pay a good amount depending upon your financial status.

If your friend is in a financial crisis when you are financially happy you can pay them up to $70 to $80. 

It is always a blessing to help kind and hardworking people.

2. Additional gifts

Good friends can easily reject the money you offer. As they believe in helping their friends.

In such cases providing money might sometimes weaken the relationship. Think of it in this way, your friend might need you in the future and after helping your friend, they provide you with money. You might joke but still will find it difficult to take those dollars.

Money can only be helpful when friends need it.

To compensate for the money you can buy gifts or things that is quite affordable and the friend might use them well.

If you have some skills in the kitchen then cooking a dish or baking some cookies will look decent. A handmade gift always wins the heart. A thank you card with it will be a thoughtful topping. 

3. Type of pet and pet sitting

The kind of pet matters a lot while pet sitting. 

Because pets like dogs and cats require a lot of attention and energy, especially a dog. 

Constant watch, treats and food and water, playtime, or walk time. All of these require struggle. It also is important whether it is one pet or multiple pets to be taken care of.

As you know your pet the best, you know how they behave, are easy to handle or difficult. Such factors will help you define the sum to pay.

The benefit of having a friend for pet sitting is that the pet might be familiar with the face and this makes the work a lot easier.

4. Time of pet sitting

Time matters a lot. Be specific with the hours or days you want your friend to pet sit. 

Working during the day might be easy than at night. 

Pet sitters charge more for nights. And it seems valid as the responsibilities double. Along with taking care of the pet, the friend also has to take care of the house and its security.

You can pay well even to your friend for pet sitting at night.

5. Exchange favors

If money is something you do not want your beautiful friendship to stand on, then being there in need will do the magic.

You can make a deal to help each other in the recent upcoming event. 

Then the question of money hardly arises. But if the friend is helping you without any favor then you can use money or gifts in exchange.

6. Additional household chores 

When you assign a pet sitter you also expect the person to take care of your house. If your house is big enough then the charges can be raised. 

A friend of yours will help you with the household chores and it should be returned in any form either money or gifts or favors. 

When a person or a friend is told to pet sit then the person is also liable to use your house or commodities for a while for himself. They might use some packets of food or television. 

But this is all for your pet. 


Never be ashamed to inform about some things that you didn’t like when they helped in pet sitting.

If they are a good friend of yours they will learn and will be better next time for your pet.