Pramod says she can let everybody know if she has any desire. Geethika comes to Gopal Ji and tumbles to her knees. Mithai consoles Geethika saying that Gopal ji has heard everything and Gopal ji is going to the bring reality infront of everybody.

Abha and Abhishek appeal to God for Geethika infront of Gopal ji. Geethika feels regretful at a side. Abha comes and asks what is she doing here looking miserable. Geethika says there isn’t anything. Abha converses with Harimohan and Chandrakantha saying with their gifts that Karishma’s marriage is going on today.

Aditya and Agarwal discuss the hijacking plan. Agarwal says he is going to Chobe’s home in thirty minutes and says he wants to get a call that he is hijacked. Mithai appeals to Gopal ji that he ought to bring reality infront of everybody.

Aditya gets in the criminals van himself. Sid and Shubham uncover their appearances in the van and show Aditya that he is truly seized by them. Shubham holds Aditya at weapon point and Sid says now you won’t wed Karishma however your dad will be compelled to uncover reality.

Geethika tells Mithai that Pramod is taking the papers for Abha to sign on them we should not allow it to work out. Mithai says she will allow nothing awful to occur in this house.

Mithai goes about as she incidentally runs into Pramod with a blossoms plate. Pramod tells Mithai to look where she is going. Mithai gives the papers to him and asks what is this. Pramod says it’s nothing and strolls higher up. Geethika comes and asks Mithai that Pramod is taking the papers to Abha. Mithai shows the Geethika that she exchanged the papers and says after Abha signs the archives then all that will be on Dadu’s name. Mithai asks Geethika for help. Geethika concurs.

Aditya asks Shubham and Sid where did they brought him. Shubham says this is the spot that your dad chose to bring many you are grabbed and presently your dad will apologize to us and your standing will go down the channel not our own. Aditya takes Karishma’s name. Sid tells not take her name or he will kill him.

Pramod asks Abha that she needs to sign on certain papers. Abha says there is a great deal of work and inquires as to whether marking today is vital. Pramod says he has record it today and in the event that you sign this no one but, we can be equivalent accomplices and requests that Abha sign. Abha requests pen. Geethika comes and requests that Abha sign too. Pramod thinks Geethika came to her side and converses with her. Abha signs on the papers. Geethika takes the papers from his hands and furthermore requests that he sign on the papers. Pramod signs on the papers. Geethika takes the papers and requests that Mithai take these papers to the register office and get them stepped. Pramod comes and asks Geethika for what good reason did she give the papers to Mithai. Geethika agrees with Pramod to a particular position and says on the off chance that we haven’t arrived in the marriage then somebody could think us and what will Mithai comprehend she is an uneducated. On the off chance that she is here she will make a wreck and it’s smarter to cause her to take care of our responsibilities. Pramod concurs and lauds her. Mithai expresses thanks to Pramod and says there is a big treat for himself and inquires as to whether she ought to tell about it now or not. Geethika advises Mithai to say it.

Mithai lets Pramod know that she changed the papers and as indicated by these records all the property and business will be on Harimohan’s name. Pramod attempts to take the papers yet Geethika stops him. Mithai says Geethika the very best and goes to the register office. Geethika compromises Pramod saying in the event that he attempted to stop Mithai, she will show the papers that he brought to Abha. Pramod says “you could have limited my options however there is an assistant with me and he will deal with Mithai”. Pramod calls his accessory and says Mithai has gone out and she shouldn’t arrive at the register office. Geethika attempts to prevent him from calling without much of any result.

Abha brings Karishma first floor. Chandrakantha and Harimohan says she looks delightful. Agarwal goes about as though his child is grabbed infront of Chobe Family. The hooligans that he employed to hijack his child come to the Chobe house. The Hooligans let Agarwal know what occurred. Sid calls Agarwal and says they grabbed Aditya and powers Agarwal to uncover his reality infront of Chobe family. Shubham holds Aditya at firearm point and starts counting. Agarwal consents to come clean. Agarwal uncovers reality to Chobe family saying Aditya would have rather not hitched Karishma. This is only a show which I arranged with your child in regulation Pramod.