MiniWiki is a new app from developer Will Bishop that allows you to browse Wikipedia directly from your Apple Watch. The app supports features like popular articles around you, offline reading, bookmarks, and more.

When you first open MiniWiki on your Apple Watch, you’ll see a list of ways to discover articles. You can tap “Read Article” and use either your voice or the Apple Watch Scribble keyboard. From there, you’ll be taken directly to the Wikipedia page for that topic.

You can also tap “Search Articles” and search for a topic. This will return a list of all Wikipedia articles that relate to your search. For instance, if you search “Apple” you’ll see a list of results including Apple Inc., the fruit, and more.

One of the most notable features, however, is “Nearby.” By using this feature, MiniWiki will return a list of Wikipedia articles about the places and things around you. This is incredibly useful if you’re in a new area and want to read up on your surroundings.

All of the features of MiniWiki for Apple Watch work with cellular connectivity, as well. This means if you don’t have your iPhone with you, you can still research Wikipedia articles directly from your Apple Watch. If you don’t have a cellular-enabled Apple Watch, you can use the Download feature of MiniWiki Pro to save articles for offline reading.

Other features of MiniWiki include support for bookmarking articles you’ll want to come back to later, as well as “Most Read” for keeping up with popular topics.

MiniWiki is free on the App Store with a “pay what you want” upgrade system for MiniWiki Pro. Read our previous coverage of Nano for Reddit and Chirp for Twitter, Bishop’s other two Apple Watch apps.

MiniWiki was designed from the ground up to compliment the Apple Watch’s unique screen size, resulting in a smooth and intutive Wikipedia experience.