Be it your first move for the military, one of the most crucial questions that pops up first is “Where can we live?”. Whether you are single, married, or have children, your accommodation situation needs to be figured out before anything else because your residential address becomes an important proof required for availing of services in the new location. To make sure that you arrive at the best possible decision, you need to weigh your options. Firstly, calculate the amount that you receive as accommodation allowance and the duration of your posting at that particular region and station. The allowance is known to be analyzed based on your rank. 

There are some other pivotal factors to look at while choosing your housing options: choosing the ideal neighborhood that offers all the necessary facilities of food, transport, and schools. Often some facilities such as internet, cable connectivity, garbage collection, and other taxes have to be paid as part of the monthly rent. Keep all these factors in mind when choosing a house, to make it feasible financially. 

Based on the locality and your rank in the service, there might be a few changes to your housing facilities but there are some standard types of houses that are offered by the military:

Government Housing 

This type of housing is believed to be gated communities that are under the complete control of the military. The building types found in this housing range between apartment complexes, multi-story housing complexes, and independent houses. Depending on the locality, the houses may be ancient, contemporary, or even renovated. 

In recent years, the maintenance of these houses has been given to private corporations. These companies have brought in a lot of innovations including increased advertising on online or offline platforms. A small search online can provide you with all the necessary details, including the floor plans and facilities used in the bill such as electricity, water, kitchen, and security services. The size and facilities offered to each military personnel are largely dependent on the rank and number of members in the family. This is one of the most uncomplicated military housing options.

Military Barracks

When you are a novice to military service, you are mostly provided barracks to reside in. The facilities offered in these options differ in their structure and urbanity. The structure of the barracks is very similar to that of camps conducted during summer vacations. The trainees are given general training at the initial stage which is changed into the training provided to work in specific departments. Barracks often provide shared bathroom facilities, as you grow in rank, you may have a shared room with en-suite bathroom options.

Renting Homes

Leases play a pivotal role while renting houses close to the station base. Always ensure to read the rental contract which requires a clause that does not impose penalties when you have to interrupt your lease because of being assigned to another station or country. To provide proof of military service to your landlords contact the nearest office and they will assist you regarding all the legal clauses of your contract.

Purchasing a new home

All the afore-mentioned housing options are relatively cost and time effective. However, purchasing a new place to stay can be a huge investment. While the military does not provide options to buy houses, the entire responsibility of buying, selling, or renting lies on your hands, in cases of being deployed to another locality. Transportation, size of the family, property value, and so on are crucial factors while purchasing a new home. Avail subsidies in land costs, if they are being offered by the military installation offices.


The housing options provided are popularly available in all kinds of military service. They are as diverse as the officers who are part of the military. Your own needs including your family’s change with time. The allowance one receives, and personal funds available to finance one’s own stay can help you arrive at a final decision. You may not feel a sense of belongingness everywhere you go, however, always keep in mind that you make a home out of a house by what you make of it.

Is there an association that takes care of the housing needs of military trainees and officers? 

Yes, the Department of Defense established the Military Housing Association (MHA) to provide housing options of the utmost quality and offer the best household amenities. 

Are all veteran members of the military compelled to live in military housing?

Not at all. Veterans and their families are free to live wherever either in military housing or their own houses wherein they are provided a monthly allowance to make ends meet. 

What efforts are taken by the Department of Defense to maintain historic buildings used for housing?

The historic housing structures, built decades ago are maintained and renovated every five years by painting and repairing shortcomings in the building. They are obliged to adhere to stringent rules and regulations and conserve the architectural marvels for future generations to see.