Co-CEO of Oracle Corporation, Mark V.Hurd and Business executive Safra A.Catz maintained top spot among the 100 highest paid CEOs in the world with a total compensation of $53.2 million each. “Robert A. Iger of Walt Disney ($43.5 million), David M. Cote of Honeywell International ($33.1 million), General Electric’s Jeffrey R. Immelt ($26.4 million), Randall L. Stephenson of AT&T ($22.4 million), Rupert Murdoch of Twenty-First Century Fox ($22.2 million) and James P. Gorman of Morgan Stanley ($22 million) “. The median pay was $14.5 million in fiscal 2015 which flourished by three percent from the past year, as per Equilar. Surprisingly, eight women’s CEOs are also in the top 100 list.”Median compensation for these eight women was $20 million in 2015, while average pay was $22.7 million,” said Equilar. Apple is the most profitable company in the world with a total revenue of $233.7 billion in 2015, and Berkshire Hathaway books second spot in the most profitable companies with a total revenue of $210.8 billion. CEO of Apple Inc, Tim Cook was paid below the median [$10.3 million] and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett is among the lowest paid CEOs in Equilar 100 with total compensation of $470,244 last year.